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Confessions of a Converted Lecturer: TeachWeek Keynote by Eric Mazur

Thursday, October 22, 2015
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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TeachWeek Caltech Keynote Lecture, part of the Physics Research Conference Series

With Remarks by President Thomas F. Rosenbaum

Confessions of a Converted Lecturer

"I thought I was a good teacher until I discovered my students were just memorizing information rather than learning to understand the material. Who was to blame? The students? The material? I will explain how I came to the agonizing conclusion that the culprit was neither of these. It was my teaching that caused students to fail! I will show how I have adjusted my approach to teaching and how it has improved my students' performance significantly."

Eric Mazur is the Balkanski Professor of Physics and Applied Physics at Harvard University. An internationally recognized scientist and researcher, he leads a vigorous research program in optical physics and supervises one of the largest research groups in the Physics Department at Harvard University.

PART OF TeachWeek Caltech, a campus-wide celebration of teaching and learning, featuring conversations with Caltech faculty, students, staff, and renown guest presenters.

Thanks to the Twenty-Seven Foundation for supporting this TeachWeek lecture, as well as sponsorship of other events engaging Caltech faculty and students in new perspectives on teaching and learning.

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