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Connections: ?Core, Options, Learning & Lunch - A Student-Faculty Discussion

Making connections among concepts, methods, skills, and ways of thinking taught in different courses is a powerful form of learning and building expertise. But it's not always easy to accomplish—especially in the frosh year!

Come for lunch and discussion with faculty and students to explore:

  • How to make the most of inter-course connections
  • Other new ideas for the Core and Options

This discussion is hosted by the Center for Teaching, Learning, & Outreach and is a part of the Inclusive Caltech Core Project (IC2). The IC2 project at Caltech is funded by the Association of American Universities as part of their efforts to improve undergraduate education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.

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For more information, please contact Leslie Rico, Administrative Coordinator by phone at 626-395-8427 or by email at