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Flat Space, Deep Learning: A Workshop by Eric Mazur

Friday, October 23, 2015
9:00am to 11:30am
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Winnett Lounge

Flat Space, Deep Learning: A Workshop Led by Eric Mazur

This workshop will focus on how we can give students ownership of their learning using a team-based, project-based approach. 

This new approach has no standard lectures or exams, yet students' conceptual gains are significantly greater than those obtained in traditional courses. As an example, Eric Mazur's course at Harvard blends six best practices to deliver a learning experience that helps students develop important skills, including communication, estimation, problem solving, and team skills, in addition to a solid conceptual understanding of the material. This workshop will discuss the course philosophy and pedagogical approach and participants will take part in a variety of scaffolded exercises, including a new form of collaborative assessment. 

Participants will: 

  • Learn how to create an environment that returns ownership of learning to the students 
  • Engage in a set of scaffolded and guided activities in a team-based setting 
  • Use several innovative new digital platforms on consumer devices to support the learning process 


Important note: Participants must bring their own laptop computers. 

Eric Mazur is the Balkanski Professor of Physics and Applied Physics at Harvard University. An internationally recognized scientist and researcher, he leads a vigorous research program in optical physics and supervises one of the largest research groups in the Physics Department at Harvard University.  

RSVP Requested (limited space)

PART OF TeachWeek Caltech, a campus-wide celebration of teaching and learning, featuring conversations with Caltech faculty, students, staff, and renown guest presenters.

Thanks to the Twenty-Seven Foundation for supporting this TeachWeek workshop, as well as sponsorship of other events engaging Caltech faculty and students in new perspectives on teaching and learning.

For more information, please email