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Getting started with "clicker" questions (with or without electronic devices) in class: how to find good questions, deploy them effectively, and introduce the method a little at a time

Wednesday, February 21, 2018
3:00pm to 4:00pm
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Your invited to participate in a follow-up discussion based on ideas mentioned in Dr. Carl Weiman's recent talk. The first of two gatherings, "Getting started with "clicker" questions (with or without electronic devices) in class: how to find good questions, deploy them effectively, and introduce the method a little at a time",  will be an implementation-focused discussion.  Stop by for coffee and find out how to put Carl's methods into practice in your class or section. All are welcome, whether you attended Dr. Wieman's presentation or not—each discussion will have a brief intro of the method, and then explore the practical side of how to proceed and avoid potential pitfalls.

RSVP Here!

For more information, please contact c by phone at 626-395-8427 or by email at