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Research Engagement: The Key to Transforming Laboratory Education in STEM - CPET Seminar by Dr. Erin Sanders, UCLA

Thursday, June 15, 2017
11:00am to 12:00pm
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The Caltech Project for Effective Teaching is excited to welcome Dr. Erin Sanders at the University of California Los Angeles.

The seminar:

Course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) and apprentice-based research experiences (AREs) represent inclusive, student-centered instructional strategies that engage large numbers of students in authentic research. Come and learn about a laboratory curriculum that was created as a framework for immersing Life Science students into an assortment of CUREs and AREs, wide-ranging enough to accommodate the diverse research interests of over 250 undergraduates per year, yet tailored to the unique motivations and competencies of individual students. Assessment of this curriculum indicates that both CUREs and AREs promote student learning and inspire student interest in biology.

By the end of this seminar, attendees will be able to:

  • Recognize the importance of using backwards design and focusing on competencies when developing research experiences and embedding them in the undergraduate curriculum
  • Describe the affective and cognitive gains possible with course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs)
  • Consider diverse ways in which research projects can be adapted to create CUREs

About Dr. Erin Sanders:

Dr. Erin Sanders is the director of the Center for Education Innovation and Learning in the Sciences (CEILS) at the University of California Los Angeles.


For more information, please contact Kelsey Boyle by email at