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TeachWeek Caltech Capstone Panel

Friday, October 23, 2015
12:00pm to 1:00pm
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Winnett Lounge

TeachWeek Caltech Capstone 


A discussion about the power of teaching and teachers in the classroom, lab, and beyond, within our advanced research setting.

Featuring faculty, staff, and students. We will start with a look back at TeachWeek, including a short slide show of photographs and themes discussed during the week. Panelists will share their reflections and insights on the past, present, and future of learning and teaching at Caltech.

Panelists include: 

  • Gil Refael, Professor of Theoretical Physics and Executive Officer for Physics

  • Candace Rypisi, Director of Student-Faculty Programs

  • Peter Hung, Doctoral Candidate in Applied Physics

  • Natalie Higgins, Graduate Student in Mechanical Engineering and Vice-chair of the Graduate Student Council Steering Committee

  • Anusha Nathan, Undergraduate Student in Bioengineering and ARC Representative

  • Martin Springborg, Photographer


Moderated by Cassandra Horii, Director of the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Outreach

RSVP Requested for Lunch 

PART OF TeachWeek Caltech, a campus-wide celebration of teaching and learning, featuring conversations with Caltech faculty, students, staff, and renown guest presenters.

Thanks to the Twenty-Seven Foundation for supporting this TeachWeek panel discussion, as well as sponsorship of other events engaging Caltech faculty and students in new perspectives on teaching and learning.

For more information, please email