Course Ombuds
What are Course Ombuds?
Course Ombuds are students who volunteer to be a liaison in their course between their peers and the instructor. The Ombud is a neutral, impartial, and confidential resource that can help students resolve issues and concerns.
What do Course Ombuds Do?
The Ombudsperson will ask their peers for feedback about the course (what's going well, any suggestions, etc.) through a simple survey (template provided), and then will communicate that feedback to the instructor.
Once an Ombuds has discussed their peers' feedback with the instructor (or Head TA, etc.), the Ombuds then communicates the results of that discussion back to the rest of the class.
This cycle of feedback between students and the instructor occurs twice in a term, typically around the end of Week 3/4 and Week 7/8.
How do I Become an Ombuds each term?
- Students interested in being an Ombuds for a course must first email/speak with their instructor to obtain instructor permission. This also serves the purpose of the Ombuds introducing themselves and making the instructor aware of the Ombuds in their course.
- Once instructor permission is obtained, students must self-enroll in the new UG Ombuds Canvas Site:
- All Ombuds must complete an info form EACH term they wish to be an Ombuds (name, email, course).
- Completing this form is you 'signing up' to be an Ombudsman.
- You will need to complete this form every term that you wish to be an Ombuds.
- If you choose to be an Ombuds for more than one class in the same term, you need to complete separate forms -- one form for each course you will represent.
- All Ombuds must complete the new online training. Once this is completed successfully, it does not need to be done again. *Even if students have been Ombuds previously, they need to complete the new training once.
- Students must obtain a perfect score on the quiz, but they are allowed multiple attempts.
- Deadline to complete info sheet and training: Wednesday of Week 2 each term.
- All Ombuds must complete an info form EACH term they wish to be an Ombuds (name, email, course).
Questions? Contact the CTLO at