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January 15, 2025 3:00 pm

For TAs -- Planning and Practicing a Successful Recitation Section

This workshop will provide a template and concrete strategies for planning a recitation section using the principles of ‘Backwards Design'. Time will be given to discuss your plan, receive feedback, and brainstorm practical implementation with peers and experienced TAs.


January 16, 2025 12:00 pm

*New Date* Succeeding as A TA This Quarter

This workshop will provide an overview of evidence-based strategies to be an effective TA. Core topics covered include: working with novice learners, setting up effective Rec Sections and Office Hours, guiding student problem solving (without just giving the answer!), and how to provide effective feedback.

All workshops will take place at the CTLO Workshop Space (CSS building, 3rd floor)

Lunch will be provided.


February 13, 2025 3:00 pm

Discussion #1 from "The Science of Learning"

CPET aims to hold two discussion groups each term centered on a topic related to effective teaching pedagogy. The conversation is centered about evidence-based teaching, participants are encouraged to share their own experiences as students and instructors and propose how they might address challenges or incorporate discussed ideas into their own teaching. Winter's discussions will be centered upon research studies that are pivotal to teaching and learning. Participants will be sent the pages to discuss in advance of the meeting.